Parents » Safety Reminders

Safety Reminders

  • If you have questions on our parking lot, please refer to our parking information page.  
  • Thank you dedicated members of our Safety Patrol Team. This is an arm of San Diego Police Department created to ensure everyone's safety. These students are wearing red shirts in hopes that they attract the attention of all. They are responsible for controlling the cars and pedestrians. They will be using a whistle to provide you with directions as you enter and exit. Below are the signals:
    • 1 whistle = signs come down and traffic is to stop
    • 2 whistles = all traffic has stopped and it is safe for people to cross
    • 3 whistles = signs come up and the cars may proceed
    • 4 whistles = squad has completed their shift  
  • Supervision will begin at 7:20 AM when we open the playground. Please enter at the large gates at the end of the parking lot between the MPR and ESS buildings.
  • Line up bell is at 7:40 AM every student must line up with their class. 
  • For your students safety and their valuable learning time we are a closed campus.  If you are volunteering you must sign in at the front office and wear a visitors badge.
    • Sign-ins will begin AFTER our Morning Announcements.
    • You are always welcome in classrooms. However, as a courtesy we ask that you arrange the time with the teacher and sign in and out through the office.
  • All gates will be locked at 7:43 AM if your child is late please be sure to send them to get a tardy slip at the front office.  
  • Remember to have a valid ID with you whenever you go to the office to pick up your student or to make changes to your student's information. It is for your students safety that we ask to verify your identification. Anyone on the emergency contact list must be verbally approved by the parent or guardian for early release, this includes stepparents and grandparents.

District School Safety Information

Thanks for your cooperation! Remember -- Courtesy is Contagious!