Parents » Visitation Policy

Visitation Policy


  • Visitors and Volunteers must check in with the office. 
  • Volunteers must have a current TB report, Volunteer Code of Conduct and Megan's Law completed.
  • Non-emergency interruption of classes is not permitted.
  • Parents entering to see and/or sign a student out of class must be prepared to present proper identification.
  • To minimize distraction in the classroom, please refrain from interrupting class instruction.

In order to ensure campus security and protection to students, strict enforcement of the campus policy regarding the presence of non-students on campus is enforced.

  1. All visitors, if allowed, must sign in with our front office and a visitor’s badge must be worn while on campus at all times.
  2. Parents and guardians wishing to see a student during regular hours must check into the office. Interruption of classes is not permitted.
  3. Parents entering to see and/or sign a student out of class must be prepared to present proper identification. Students may not be released to any person other than the parent/guardian without the parent/guardian's authorization.
  4. If a student needs to leave school early, they must be checked out in the office by the parent or legal guardian no later than 1:30 PM.  This policy helps minimize classroom disruptions and allows the office staff to effectively support end-of-day dismissal procedures.
See District Volunteer Information for forms