Westwood ESS » Westwood ESS

Westwood ESS

PHONE: (858) 487-2510
FAX: (858) 487-8082
ADDRESS: 17449 Matinal Road, San Diego CA 92127
HOURS: 11:30am to 6:00pm, Monday through Friday
Payment Mailing Address: PUSD-ESS P.O. Box 500527, San Diego, CA 92150-0527
On-Line Payment Link: https://www.myprocare.com

2024/2025: Westwood Families Interested in ESS


Effective for the 2024-2025 school year, new applications to the ESS program will be centrally managed by the District Office, Before/After School Department through a single application and interest list.

Please find the link to information and registration here.

Your child(ren) must be enrolled at their neighborhood school to which you are applying for ESS, this also applies to families with TK students.  All families with children in elementary school interested in participating in ESS during the 2024-25 school year are required to submit an online application. This includes children currently on the waitlist (for 2023-24).

An application must be completed for each child applying for ESS. This year's application will be available online beginning Monday, March 18, 2024, at 12:00 pm PST (Pacific Standard Time). An email address and internet access will be required to create an account to complete an application. The application must be completed and submitted online.  You may access the application through a mobile device such as a cell phone or tablet with internet connection.

All information provided on the application is subject to verification. Falsifying any of the information may disqualify the applicant from receiving ESS services.

It is anticipated that the demand for ESS services may exceed the program capacity at most schools; therefore, it is extremely important that the application be completed and submitted within the initial application timeline (see timeline below). Applicants are accepted into the program based on the rating system outlined below, up to the capacity for each school's program.

Applications became available online beginning Monday, March 18, by 12:00 pm PST and will remain open throughout the school year.

Children will be accepted for enrollment based on prioritization assigned through the lottery. The lottery rankings will be based on the prioritization criteria detailed below, up to the capacity for each school's program. Once ESS has reached its capacity, children not accepted for enrollment will be automatically placed on a waitlist, in the same order of priority determined by the lottery and will be offered an opportunity to enroll as space becomes available throughout the school year.

Parents/guardians may choose to have their child(ren) attend either the before-school and/or after-school programs, if applicable. Choosing only the before-school or after-school program will not affect the rating of the application.

Each application will be rated for the lottery based on the following criteria (listed in order of greatest to least priority):

  1. Unduplicated Pupil (UPP): Foster, McKinney Vento (Homeless), Socioeconomically Disadvantaged, or English Language Learner
  2. PUSD Employee
  3. Families with one parent/guardian currently on military deployment (a copy of orders may be required upon request) 
  4. Single-parent household
  5. Dual parent working family (both parents working at least 40 hours a week)
  6. Was on waitlist for the previous school year

All homeless and foster youth will receive the highest priority for enrollment. Students that meet multiple criteria will be ranked higher in priority, accordingly.

Any openings for new students have been filled to capacity and Westwood is no longer enrolling families until more space becomes available.  The interest for out enrichment program has far exceeded our ability to staff and serve all interested families.  Your family will continue to be in the lottery system, and should space become available, ESS Supervisor, Jackie Adamson, will reach out with next steps for enrollment.
In the meantime, we wish your family all the best as you seek alternative before/after school care and enrichment programs for your child(ren).  We recommend exploring the San Diego County Centralized Eligibility List webpage to be referred to other childcare options that may be available in the community.

ESS Overview

Mission Statement - "E.S.S. is a bridge between school and home where children are encouraged to learn, create, and explore within their school, community, and world."

Program Overview - This extended-day program expands the excellence of each child's school experience into before and after school. ESS is staffed by highly qualified professionals and trained program assistants. The staff provides for the academic and social needs of children in safe and nurturing environments. There is time, space, encouragement, and support for learning good study habits.

*Voluntary Use Program* - ESS is a voluntary use program. All PUSD elementary schools have an Extended Student Services program on their campus. Our organization works diligently to accommodate and serve working families in need of before and after school care. A student's enrollment at an elementary school does not guarantee them ESS enrollment. As a growing organization, each ESS site may experience limitations that factor into the enrollment capacity and may prohibit the acceptance of additional students at any given time.

Program History - The ESS program began in 1980 and is now offered in every elementary school in the Poway Unified School District. All children who attend elementary school in the District are eligible to enroll.

Program Activities - Our program is geared toward expanding each child's world through arts & crafts projects, science activities, reading and language arts reinforcement, and math concept development. Our program reinforces the social, motor, and academic skills children learn in the classroom.

Hours - For the school year ESS is open from 1:45pm to 6:00pm.  (TK hours are 11:45am to 6:00pm.)  There is no morning program at Westwood ESS. Summer and School Closure Hours are 8:00 am- 5:00 pm.


E.S.S. Embraces ENRICH, an acronym to include the following areas of enrichment, to use as a Guide for Staff Planning:

xercise mind & body
N urturing
eading & Relationships
nvestigating Interests
haracter Counts!, Creative Thinking, & the Arts
H aving Fun!

We believe that the children's extended day will be enriched by providing a balanced activity calendar that will support their growth and development. We want to encourage the children to explore their interests, motivate them to achieve their personal best, and relax and have fun with friends.

11/18- School is closed but ESS is OPEN(Registration Required)
11/25-11/29: ESS CLOSED
12/23-1/3: ESS CLOSED
1/20- ESS Closed
1/27- ESS Closed
2/17-2/21: ESS Open 2/18-2/20 for President's Week (Registration Required)
4/14-4/17:  ESS Open for Spring Break (Registration Required)
6/12: Last Day of School (ESS Open)